
Tuesday, May 22, 2012

4 years & 4 days

 still counting

when you love,you get hurt.
when you get hurt,you hate.
when you hate, you try to forget.
when you try to forget, you start missing.
and when you start missing
you will eventually fall in love again.

Love is cycle


The Fakhirin said...

wen u love someone,
love him/her,
before they gone.

aliza zeke said...

moga berkekalan lyaa :)

Rin Saharina said...

appreciate your love.Love is hurt, but it is sweet too! :)

Anonymous said...

love hurts and sometimes makes us cry, but without love there is not charming and happines :-) longlast for your realitionship, nice to know you I'm following you, mind to follow md back to?

Best regards from Indonesia:-)